Cases And Verdicts
Head-On Tractor-Trailer Accident With Multiple Leg Injuries
We represented a 33-year-old tractor-trailer operator who was involved in a head-on collision with a diesel tanker that crossed over the median of I-95. The tanker driver lost control of his truck while involved in a high-speed race with a box truck driver who fled the scene. The box truck was able to be identified through an investigation and was brought into the lawsuit. The box truck company and driver settled before trial. Our client suffered multiple complex leg fractures requiring surgery, internal bleeding and a lumbar disc injury that also required surgery.
Suffolk County’s grandmother struck and killed by a car.
Settlement before trial for the death of Suffolk County grandmother struck and killed by a car while walking in the parking lot of a home improvement store.
Terrorist Attack Victim at the World Trade Center on 9/11
We represented at the Victims Compensation Fund the estate of a 53-year-old gentleman who was killed in the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center. The decedent was from Long Island and left behind a wife and several grown children.
Head on Passenger Injury Struck Broadside in Vehicle Accident
We represented passengers in a vehicle that was struck broadside by a vehicle in New York City. There was a question as to which vehicle had the green light. Our expert opined that the driver of the adverse vehicle was speeding and thus negligent, regardless of the issue of lights.
Fall from Platform Construction Accident Injury
We represented a 39-year-old construction worker who fell off a platform fracturing his arm requiring surgery.
Slip and Fall on Greasy Floor in Lobby of Manhattan Office Building
As our client was walking through the lobby of a Class A office building in Manhattan, she was caused to fall due to a greasy condition upon the floor. As a result of the fall, she suffered a fractured hip requiring surgery. We settled this case after the jury was finished deliberating after several weeks of trial, but before the verdict was read.
Student Fatally Ejected from SUV on the Long Island Expressway
We represented the family of a student who was killed after she was ejected from the SUV she was driving on the Long Island Expressway in Suffolk County. According to eyewitnesses, the accident was caused when the young woman lost control of her SUV after she was cut-off by a Ferrari and Range Rover that was weaving in and out of traffic. Unfortunately, New York law is limited in what a family can recover for the loss of a loved one who was not a parent or wage earner.
Construction Worker Killed from Fall from Bulldozer Bucket
We represented the family of a day laborer from Ecuador who was killed after he was dropped from the bucket of a bulldozer at a construction site. The settlement was with the New York State Insurance Fund that took over the defense of the lawsuit after the insurance company for the construction company and property owner went bankrupt.
Pedestrian Struck by Car Running Stop Sign
We represented a 54-year-old driver who was struck by a car whose driver passed through a stop sign fracturing his hip requiring surgery.
Construction Worker Fall on Debris Requiring Knee Surgery
We represented a construction worker who fell on debris at a worksite causing a knee injury requiring surgery.
Mother and Two Daughters Struck by Drunk Driver
Our client, a mother and her two adult daughters, were struck head-on by a drunk driver. The indigent drunk driver had stolen the vehicle from a local 7-11 earlier that day. We were able to show that the wife of the owner of the stolen vehicle had left her keys in the ignition with the car running at the 7-11. This was a violation of the New York State Vehicle and Traffic Law. As a result of the accident, the driver suffered a head injury, damage to her wrists and back pain. One daughter suffered a broken leg. The other suffered a minor facial scar.
Trip and Fall Accident in Brooklyn While Walking Home
Our client was injured on a City street in Brooklyn while walking home late at night. He suffered a broken ankle when he stepped into a hole created by a gap between the sidewalk and a detached portion of the curb. He underwent surgery to repair the damage. At the time of trial, our attorneys were able to prevent the City from calling an expert to contest the severity of our client’s injuries.
Stolen Car Fleeing Scene Struck and Injured Technician
Our client was a phone company technician operating his work van when he was struck by a felon operating a stolen car fleeing the scene of an armed robbery. The insurance company for the stolen car properly refused to cover. We, therefore, sought recovery from the employer’s and the client’s Uninsured Motorist carriers. The client had to retire from the job due to the injuries suffered, including tears to both shoulders requiring surgery and multiple disc bulges. Although the client had suffered an injury to one of his shoulders prior to the accident, we claimed that it did not prevent him from working and was not significant compared to the severity of the accident.
Fractured Vertebrae Injury after Being Ejected from Vehicle
Our client was injured in a one-car accident, when her boyfriend while racing another Mustang, lost control and struck a tree. She was ejected from the vehicle and suffered fractured vertebrae, head injury and knee injury requiring surgery. We took this case over from another attorney after they had the matter stricken from the Court’s trial calendar. At that time they had a minimal settlement offer from the insurance company. The case settled for $225,000 out of an insurance policy of $250,000 after we corrected the mistakes of prior counsel.
Dog Bite Attack on 18-Month-Old Infant on Long Island
Our client was 18 months old when she was attacked by her step-grandmother’s dog at the step-grandmother’s Long Island home while visiting from Brooklyn. She suffered facial scarring. The insurance company immediately offered the child the full amount of its policy, $100,000. After taking the matter to jury selection, the step-grandmother paid $75,000 personally on top of the insurance company’s $100,000 to settle the case. Although the amount was far too low to compensate the child for the injuries she sustained, it shows that pursuing personal assets should always be considered.
Prior results do not guarantee a similar outcome.